The European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) is a non-profit organization and the successor of the European Group for Rapid Viral Diagnosis (EGRVD) and the European Association against viral diseases (ESAVD), which merged into the ESCV on January 1, 1997. Since then, it has provided a forum for virologists, scientists and physicians interested in all aspects of Clinical Virology and human viral diseases.

The ESCV is open to anyone interested in viruses as causes of disease in humans and animals, either as a (general) physician, pediatrician, veterinarian, infectious diseases specialist, (clinical) virologist or microbiologists, pure or applied, or just out of curiosity.


The Purpose and Aims of the Society

To bring together scientists and clinicians throughout Europe and to promote Public Health and advance education, particularly medical education, in Clinical and Basic Virology by:

  1. Improving the knowledge of viruses, particularly as it relates to the diagnosis and management of viral diseases, their pathogenesis, natural history and prevention;
  2. Improving diagnostic methods;
  3. Keeping and improving high standards in laboratory viral diagnosis through promotion of quality assessment (QA) activities and education;
  4. Facilitating the exchange of reference reagents;
  5. Interaction with relevant organisations, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), other official organisations, other virological societies and groups and between members.

For further information about the society, please visit


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