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ESCV Virtual Meeting on Covid 19 Program E-Book

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Welcome Message 

Dear Colleagues,

2020 became a year of crisis because of SARS-CoV-2 and clinical virologists, virologists and infectious diseases specialists have been centre stage .

While the pandemic is still ongoing, the European Society for Clinical Virology is organizing a timely, virtual, meeting focusing on COVID-19 which will showcase the latest and most pertinent topics in COVID-19 and open them up for discussion.

This meeting will bring together a worldwide community, offering the the chance to follow up and discuss the ongoing pandemic from our individual perspectives.

The meeting is free of charge for all participants all that we ask is that you  register in advance.

We look forward to welcoming you on September 9, 2020 for the ESCV Virtual Meeting on COVID-19!

Prof. Mariet Feltkamp
ESCV President

Prof. Pamela Vallely & Prof. Paul Klapper
Virtual Meeting Co-Chairs

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